Create Casual But Chic Outfits For Spring
A Masterclass that shows you, quickly and effectively, how to create casual but chic outfits, just like a chic French woman. Never again look casual and like you don't care! Always look stylish and chic!
What 'casual chic' means to French women.
What 'casual chic' means to French women.
The Secret Formula French women use to transform any casual outfit into a chic one.
How to create Chic Casual outfits with ease and always get it right.
How to use your own pieces for a casual but flattering look.
Live Masterclass on Thursday 29th April (4pm Paris/ 10am NYC)
Masterclass Recording
Private Pop-up Facebook Group.
Post your questions live during the Masterclass.
Cheatsheet pdf (available after the Masterclass).
The French Chic Expert and Amazon Best-Selling AUTHOR, FOUNDER of The French Chic Academy and CREATOR of EAT Like a French Woman Program
[email protected]You get lifetime access, so you can take this course at your own pace and work as fast or as slow as you wish. You can pause the recording and take your time.
I fully understand. You have many calls on your hard earned cash. However, 87% of people taking my courses tell me that the course they took paid for itself very quickly - in some cases as soon as their very next style purchase. And for those in the 13% it turned out that they had not yet applied the principles in the Ecourse/Masterclass. You see, by continuing to make bad style choices you are wasting money on clothes that do not suit or flatter you. Those clothes are never worn and sit at the back of your closet, a constant reminder of bad choices. Make the best investment choice you can in your style, invest in your style education. My students agree, it is money very well spent.
Sometimes, after purchasing something, you think it isn't for you. That is perfectly fine. I take all requests for refunds very seriously. Please do contact me to discuss it. As in all things however, there has to be a time limit, so no refunds will be offered if you have not made an initial refund request within 30 days of purchasing the course. However, NO refund will be offered to anyone who has partaken in the Live Masterclass.